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更新日期:2010-08-17   |  点击率:2568

PAM系列调制叶绿素荧光仪是植物抗逆性、植物胁迫生理学研究zui有效的工具,包括IMAGING-PAM, DUAL-PAM-100, PAM-2500, PAM-2100, PAM-2000, PAM-100, MINI-PAM, TEACHING-PAM等在内发表了大量文献。这里列出了170篇利用调制叶绿素荧光(PAM)技术进行作物抗逆性研究的文献,供广大客户参考。

1.             Chen J, Wang P, Mi H-l, Chen G-Y, Xu D-Q: Reversible association of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activase with the thylakoid membrane depends upon the ATP level and pH in rice without heat stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 2010:in press.[DUAL-PAM-100, PAM-2000]

2.             de Carvalho RC, Cunha A, da Silva JM: Photosynthesis by six Portuguese maize c*rs during drought stress and recovery Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2010:in press.[TEACHING-PAM]

3.             Führs H, Behrens C, Gallien S, Heintz D, Van Dorsselaer A, Braun H-P, Horst WJ: Physiological and proteomic characterization of manganese sensitivity and tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa) in comparison with barley (Hordeum vulgare). Annals of Botany 2010:in press.[MINI-PAM]

4.             Jeong JS, Kim YS, Baek KH, Jung H, Ha S-H, Choi YD, Kim M, Reuzeau C, Kim J-K: Root-Specific Expression of OsNAC10 Improves Drought Tolerance and Grain Yield in Rice under Field Drought Conditions. Plant Physiology 2010, 153:185-197.[MINI-PAM]

5.             Li G, Wan S, Zhou J, Yang Z, Qin P: Leaf chlorophyll fluorescence, hyperspectral reflectance, pigments content, malondialdehyde and proline accumulation responses of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) seedlings to salt stress levels Industrial Crops and Products 2010, 31(1):13-19.[PAM-2000]

6.             Shi G, Cai Q: Zinc tolerance and accumulation in eight oil crops. Journal of Plant Nutrition 2010, 33(7):982-997.[MINI-PAM]

7.             Xiong X, James VA, Zhang H, Altpeter F: Constitutive expression of the barley HvWRKY38 transcription factor enhances drought tolerance in turf and forage grass (Paspalum notatum Flugge). Molecular Breeding 2010, 25:419-432.[PAM-2100]

8.             Yin Y, Li S, Liao W, Lu Q, Wen X, Lu C: Photosystem II photochemistry, photoinhibition, and the xanthophyll cycle in heat-stressed rice leaves. Journal of Plant Physiology 2010:in press.[PAM-2000]

9.             卜令铎, 张仁和, 常宇, 薛吉全, 韩苗苗: 苗期玉米叶片光合特性对水分胁迫的响应. 生态学报 2010, 30(5):1184-1191.[PAM-2100]

10.           刘爱荣, 陈双臣, 王淼博, 王凤华, 贺超兴: 高温胁迫对番茄幼苗光合作用和叶绿素荧光参数的影响. 西北农业学报 2010, 19(5):145-148.[TEACHING-PAM]

11.           刘振斌, 伊万伟, 浦铜良: 沙芦内含物PAAC对干旱胁迫下玉米幼苗叶片光合及蛋白氧化损伤的保护作用. 干旱地区农业研究 2010, 28(3):155-161.[PAM-2100]

12.           陆燕元, 邓西平: 转入Cu/ Zn SOD 和APX 基因对甘薯旱后复水的恢复作用. 西北农林科技大学学报 2010, 38(1):67-74.[IMAGING-PAM]

13.           王晓冬, 解备涛, 李建民, 段留生: 外源γ-氨基丁酸(GABA) 对小麦苗期耐涝性的影响. 华北农学报 2010, 25(1):155-160.[PAM-2100]

14.           吴甘霖, 段仁燕, 王志高, 张中信, 吴礼凤: 干旱和复水对草莓叶片叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 生态学报 2010, 30(14):3941-3946.[PAM-2100]

15.           杨淑萍, 危常州, 梁永超: 盐胁迫对不同基因型海岛棉光合作用及荧光特性的影响. 中国农业科学 2010, 43(8):in press.[PAM-2100]

16.           张林春, 郝扬, 张仁和, 马赟花, 薛吉全: 干旱及复水对不同抗旱性玉米光合特性的影响. 西北农业学报 2010, 19(5):76-80.[PAM-2100]

17.           郑有飞, 赵泽, 吴荣军, 胡程达, 刘宏举: 臭氧胁迫对冬小麦叶绿素荧光及气体交换的影响. 环境科学 2010, 31(2):472-479.[DIVING-PAM]

18.           钟燕川, 郑有飞, 李璐, 吴晓蔚, 麦博儒: 模拟酸雨条件下Pb、Cd对扬花萝卜叶绿素荧光及品质的影响. 南京信息工程大学学报 2010, 2(3):248-255.[MINI-PAM]

19.           朱美红, 饶米德, 吴韶辉, 李方, 张淑娜, 蔡妙珍: 磷、铝交替作用下荞麦的叶绿素荧光特性变化. 科技通报 2010, 26(3):380-384.[TEACHING-PAM]

20.           Else MA, Janowiak F, Atkinson CJ, Jackson MB: Root signals and stomatal closure in relation to photosynthesis, chlorophyll a fluorescence and adventitious rooting of flooded tomato plants. Annals of Botany 2009, 103:313-323.[PAM-2000]

21.           Liu W-J, Chen Y-E, Tian W-J, Du J-B, Zhang Z-W, Xu F, Zhang F, Yuan S, Lin H-H: Dephosphorylation of photosystem II proteins and phosphorylation of CP29 in barley photosynthetic membranes as a response to water stress Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2009, 1787(10):1238-1245.[PAM-2100]

22.           Luo M-H, Yuan S, Chen Y-E, Liu W-J, Du J-B, Lei T, Wang M-B, Lin H-H: Effects of salicylic acid on the photosystem 2 of barley seedlings under osmotic stress Biologia Plantarum 2009, 53(4):663-669.[PAM-2100]

23.           Niewiadomska E, Polzien L, Desel C, Rozpadek P, Miszalski Z, Krupinska K: Spatial patterns of senescence and development-dependent distribution of reactive oxygen species in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) leaves Journal of Plant Physiology 2009, 166(10):1057-1068.[IMAGING-PAM]

24.           Oh S-J, Kim YS, Kwon C-W, Park HK, Jeong JS, Kim J-K: Overexpression of the Transcription Factor AP37 in Rice Improves Grain Yield under Drought Conditions. Plant Physiology 2009, 150:1368-1379.[MINI-PAM]

25.           Shi G, Cai Q: Leaf plasticity in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in response to heavy metal stress Environmental and Experimental Botany 2009, 67(1):112-117.[MINI-PAM]

26.           Shi GR, Cai QS: Photosynthetic and anatomic responses of peanut leaves to zinc stress Biologia Plantarum 2009, 53(2):391-394.[MINI-PAM]

27.           Szalai G, Janda T: Effect of Salt Stress on the Salicylic Acid Synthesis in Young Maize (Zea mays L.) Plants. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 2009, 195(3):165-171.[PAM-2000]

28.           Zhang H, Dong H, Li W, Sun Y, Chen S, Kong X: Increased glycine betaine synthesis and salinity tolerance in AhCMO transgenic cotton lines Molecular Breeding 2009, 23(2):289-298.[MINI-PAM]

29.           Zhang RH, Li J, Guo SR, Tezuka T: Effects of exogenous putrescine on gas-exchange characteristics and chlorophyll fluorescence of NaCl-stressed cucumber seedlings Photosynthesis Research 2009, 100(3):155-162.[PAM-2100]

30.           沈波, 蒋靓, 於卫东, 樊叶杨, 庄杰云: 水稻苗期盐胁迫下叶绿素荧光参数的QTL分析. 中国水稻科学 2009, 23(3):319-322.[TEACHING-PAM]

31.           王晓楠, 付连双, 李卓夫, 杨方, 孙艳丽, 刘灿, 王金伟, 陈禹兴: 低温驯化及封冻阶段不同冬小麦品种叶绿素荧光参数的比较. 麦类作物学报 2009, 29(1):83-88.[TEACHING-PAM]

32.           吴雪霞, 陈建林, 查丁石: 低温胁迫对茄子幼苗叶片气体交换、PSⅡ光化学效率和光能分配的影响. 浙江农业学报 2009, 21(2):139-143.[PAM-2100]

33.           吴雪霞, 于力, 朱为民: 外源一氧化氮对NaCl胁迫下番茄幼苗叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 中国生态农业学 2009, 17(4):746-751.[PAM-2100]

34.           谢志南, 钟赞华, 张雪芹, 赖瑞云, 苏明华: 失水胁迫对三角梅插穗叶片光合作用的影响. 江西农业学报 2009, 21(4):36-38.[GFS-3000]

35.           Liu H, Zhang H, Wang G, Shen Z: Identification of Rice Varieties with High Tolerance or Sensitivity to Copper  Journal of Plant Nutrition 2008, 31(1):121-136.[TEACHING-PAM]

36.           Massacci A, Nabiev SM, Pietrosanti L, Nematov SK, Chernikova TN, Leipner KTaJ: Response of the photosynthetic apparatus of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) to the onset of drought stress under field conditions studied by gas-exchange analysis and chlorophyll fluorescence imaging Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2008, 46(2):189-195.[IMAGING-PAM]

37.           Rogalski M, Schöttler MA, Thiele W, Schulze , Bock R: Rpl33, a nonessential plastid-encoded ribosomal protein in tobacco, is required under cold stress conditions. The Plant Cell 2008, 20:2221-2237.[DUAL-PAM-100]

38.           Shi GR, Cai QS: Photosynthetic and anatomic responses of peanut leaves to cadmium stress photosynthetica 2008, 46(4):627-630.[MINI-PAM]

39.           Stiller I, Dulai S, Kondrák M, Tarnai R, Szabó L, Toldi O, Bánfalvi Z: Effects of drought on water content and photosynthetic parameters in potato plants expressing the trehalose-6-phosphate synthase gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Planta 2008, 227(2):299-308.[PAM-100]

40.           Suzuki K, Nagasuga K, Okada M: The Chilling Injury Induced by High Root Temperature in the Leaves of Rice Seedlings. Plant Cell Physiol 2008, 49(3):433-442.[PAM-100]

41.           Wang C-R, Yang A-F, Yue G-D, Gao Q, Yin H-Y, Zhang J-R: Enhanced expression of phospholipase C 1 ( ZmPLC1 ) improves drought tolerance in transgenic maize Planta 2008, 227(5):1127-1140.[MINI-PAM]

42.           Yamane K, Kawasaki M, Taniguchi M, Miyake H: Correlation between Chloroplast Ultrastructure and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in the Leaves of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Grown under Salinity. Plant Production Science 2008, 11(1):139-145.[PAM-2100]

43.           Yang X, Liang Z, Wen X, Lu C: Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine leads to increased tolerance of photosynthesis to salt stress in transgenic tobacco plants Plant Molecular Biology 2008, 66(1-2):73-86.[PAM-2000]

44.           刘芳, 郭晶晶, 龚丽丽, 许晓明: 5-氨基乙酰丙酸促进水稻耐低温光抑制与抗氧化酶活性有关. 中国水稻科学 2008, 22(4):411-415.[PAM-2100]

45.           马守臣, 李凤民, 徐炳成, 黄占斌: 返青期根修剪对冬小麦后期耐旱性及水分利用效率的影响. 植物生态学报 2008, 32(5):1194-1200.[IMAGING-PAM]

46.           张亚黎, 罗宏海, 张旺锋, 樊大勇, 何在菊, 白慧东: 土壤水分亏缺对陆地棉花铃期叶片光化学活性和激发能耗散的影响. 植物生态学报 2008, 32(3):681-689.[PAM-2100]

47.           Grams TEE, Koziolek C, Lautner S, Matyssek R, Fromm J: Distinct roles of electric and hydraulic signals on the reaction of leaf gas exchange upon re-irrigation in Zea mays L. Plant Cell and Environment 2007, 30(1):79-84.[MINI-PAM]

48.          Hideg E, Kos PB, Vass I: Photosystem II damage induced by chemically generated singlet oxygen in tobacco leaves. Physiologia Plantarum 2007, 131(1):33-40.[IMAGING-PAM]

49.           Ouelhadj A, Kaminski M, Mittag M, Humbeck K: Receptor-like protein kinase HvLysMR1 of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is induced during leaf senescence and heavy metal stress. Journal of Experimental Botany 2007, 58(6):1381-1396.[MINI-PAM]

50.           Xu H, Biswas DK, Li W-D, Chen S-B, Zhang L, Jiang G-M, Li Y-G: Photosynthesis and yield responses of ozone-polluted winter wheat to drought Photosynthetica 2007, 45(4):582-588.[GFS-3000]

51.           Yang Y, Yan C-Q, Cao B-H, Xu H-X, Chen J-P, Jiang D-A: Some photosynthetic responses to salinity resistance are transferred into the somatic hybrid descendants from the wild soybean Glycine cyrtoloba ACC547. Physiologia Plantarum 2007, 129(3):658-669.[PAM-100]

52.           Zhou Y, Lam HM, Zhang J: Inhibition of photosynthesis and energy dissipation induced by water and high light stresses in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 2007, 58(5):1207-1217.[PAM-2000/PAM-2100]

53.           Zhu S-Q, Yu C-M, Liu X-Y, Ji B-H, Jiao D-M: Changes in Unsaturated Levels of Fatty Acids in Thylakoid PSII Membrane Lipids During Chilling-induced Resistance in Rice. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2007, 49(4):463-471.[PAM-2000]

54.           陈静, 陈启林, 程智慧, 徐春和: 花青苷对低温弱光处理的番茄(L.esculentum Mill.)幼苗光合机构的保护作用. 中国农业科学 2007, 40(4):788-793.[PAM-100]

55.           郭春爱, 周玮, 刘芳, 许晓明: 水稻低叶绿素b突变体光系统Ⅱ的热稳定性. 作物学报 2007, 33(8):1390-1392.[TEACHING-PAM]

56.           唐薇, 罗振, 温四民, 董合忠, 李维江, 辛承松: 干旱和盐胁迫对棉苗光合抑制效应的比较. 棉花学报 2007, 19(1):28-32.[MINI-PAM]

57.           张永江, 黄文江, 王纪华, 刘良云, 马智宏, 李佛琳: 基于Fraunhofer 线的小麦条锈病荧光遥感探测. 中国农业科学 2007, 40(1):78-83.[PAM-2100]

58.           Lizana C, Wentworth M, Martinez JP, Villegas D, Meneses R, Murchie EH, Pastenes C, Lercari B, Vernieri P, Horton P et al: Differential adaptation of two varieties of common bean to abiotic stress: I. Effects of drought on yield and photosynthesis. Journal of Experimental Botany 2006, 57:685-697.[PAM-2000]

59.           Nakano R, Ishida H, Makino A, Mae T: In vivo fragmentation of the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase by reactive oxygen species in an intact leaf of cucumber under chilling-light conditions. Plant Cell and Physiology 2006, 47:270-276.[PAM-100]

60.           Ouelhadj A, Kuschk P, Humbeck K: Heavy metal stress and leaf senescence induce the barley gene HvC2d1 encoding a calcium-dependent novel C2 domain-like protein. New Phytologist 2006, 170(2):261-273.[MINI-PAM]

61.           Subrahmanyam D, Subash N, Haris A, Sikka AK: Influence of water stress on leaf photosynthetic characteristics in wheat c*rs differing in their susceptibility to drought Photosynthetica 2006, 44(1):125-129.[PAM-2000]

62.           Wang P, Duan W, Takabayashi A, Endo T, Shikanai T, Ye J-Y, Mi H: Chloroplastic NAD(P)H dehydrogenase in tobacco leaves functions in alleviation of oxidative damage caused by temperature stress. Plant Physiology 2006, 141:465-474.[PAM-100]

63.           巩擎柱, 吕金印, 徐柄成, 李凤民, 张海波: 水分胁迫和种植方式对小麦叶绿素荧光参数及水分利用效率的影响. 西北农林科技大学学报 2006, 34(5):83-87.[IMAGING-PAM]

64.           胡筑兵, 陈亚华, 王桂萍, 沈振国: 铜胁迫对玉米幼苗生长、叶绿素荧光参数和抗氧化酶活性的影响. 植物学通报 2006, 23(2):129-137.[PAM-210]

65.           于海秋, 彭新湘, 严小龙, 曹敏建: 缺磷对不同磷效率基因型大豆光合日变化的影响. 沈阳农业大学学报 2006, 36(5):519-522.[PAM-2000]

66.           Baek M-H, Kim J-H, Chung BY, Kim J-S, Lee IS: Alleviation of salt stress by low dose -irradiation in rice. Biologia Plantarum 2005, 49(2):273-276.[IMAGING-PAM]

67.           Chen Z, Newman I, Zhou M, Mendham N, Zhang G, Shabala S: Screening plants for salt tolerance by measuring K+ flux: a case study for barley. Plant Cell and Environment 2005, 28(10):1230-1246.[MINI-PAM]

68.           Ducruet J-M, Roman M, Havaux M, Janda T, Gallais A: Cyclic electron flow around PS I monitored by afterglow luminescence in leaves of maize inbred lines (Zea mays L.): correlation with chilling tolerance. Planta 2005, 221(4):567-579.[PAM-100]

69.           Guéra A, Calatayud A, Sabater B, Barreno E: Involvement of the thylakoidal NADH-plastoquinone-oxidoreductase complex in the early responses to ozone exposure of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seedlings Journal of Experimental Botany 2005, 56(409):205-218.[PAM-2000]

70.           Haldimann P, Feller U: Growth at moderay elevated temperature alters the physiological response of the photosynthetic apparatus to heat stress in pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves. Plant Cell and Environment 2005, 28(3):302-317.[PAM-2000]

71.           Hirotsu N, Makino A, Yokota S, Mae T: The photosynthetic properties of rice leaves treated with low temperature and high irradiance Plant Cell and Physiology 2005, 46(8):1377-1383.[MINI-PAM]

72.           Jompuk C, Fracheboud Y, Stamp P, Leipner J: Mapping of quantitative trait loci associated with chilling tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.) seedlings grown under field conditions Journal of Experimental Botany 2005, 56(414):1153-1163.[PAM-2000]

73.           Nakano R, Ishida H, Makino A, Mae T: In vivo fragmentation of the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase by reactive oxygen species in an intact leaf of cucumber under chilling-light conditions Plant Cell and Physiology 2005, 47:270-276.[PAM-100]

74.           Neta-Sharir I, Isaacson T, Lurie S, Weiss D: Dual role for tomato heat shock protein 21: protecting photosystem II from oxidative stress and promoting color changes during fruit maturation The Plant Cell 2005, 17:1829-1838.[PAM-100]

75.           Shabala S, Shabala L, van Volkenburgh E, Newman I: Effect of divalent cations on ion fluxes and leaf photochemistry in salinized barley leaves Journal of Experimental Botany 2005, 56(415):1369-1378.[MINI-PAM]

76.           Yamamoto A, Bhuiyan MNH, Waditee R, Tanaka Y, Esaka M, Oba K, Jagendorf AT, Takabe T: Suppressed expression of the apoplastic ascorbate oxidase gene increases salt tolerance in tobacco and Arabidopsis plants Journal of Experimental Botany 2005, 56(417):1785-1796.[MINI-PAM]

77.           Yang X, Liang Z, Lu C: Genetic engineering of the biosynthesis of glycinebetaine enhances photosynthesis against high temperature stress in transgenic tobacco plants. Plant Physiology 2005, 138:2299-2309.[PAM-2000]

78.           Yang X, Lu C: Photosynthesis is improved by exogenous glycinebetaine in salt-stressed maize plants. Physiologia Plantarum 2005, 124:343-352.[PAM-2000]

79.           Zgallai H, Steppe K, Lemeur R: Photosynthetic, physiological and biochemical responses of tomato plants to polyethylene glycol-Induced water deficit. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2005, 47(12):1470-1478.[PAM-2000]

80.           白成科, 李桂双, 段俊, 彭长连, 翁克难, 徐世平: 高压处理后水稻抗氧化酶活性及对逆境胁迫的响应. 高压物理学报 2005, 19(3):235-240.[PAM-100]

81.           龙明华, 唐小付, 于文进, 廖易, 黄文浩, 秦荣耀: 不同钙素水平对厚皮甜瓜叶片光合作用和保护酶活性的影响. 广西植物 2005, 25(1):77-82.[PAM-100]

82.           欧志英, 林桂珠, 彭长连: 超高产杂交水稻培矮64S/ E32 和两优培九剑叶对高温的响应. 中国水稻科学 2005, 19(3):249-254.[PAM-100]

83.           欧志英, 彭长连, 林桂珠: 高温下杂交稻培矮64S/E32与其亲本的光合和抗逆参数的比较. 广西植物 2005, 25(6):555-561.[PAM-100]

84.           徐凯, 郭延平, 张上隆, 周慧芬, 郑毅: 草莓叶片光合作用对强光的响应及其机理研究. 应用生态学报 2005, 16(1):73-78.[PAM-2000, HCM-1000]

85.           Hirotsu N, Makino A, Ushio A, Mae T: Changes in the thermal dissipation and the electron flow in the water–water cycle in rice grown under conditions of physiologically low temperature Plant Cell and Physiology 2004, 45(5):635-644.[MINI-PAM]

86.           Kasuga M, Miura S, Shinozaki K, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K: A combination of the Arabidopsis DREB1A gene and stress-inducible rd29A promoter improved drought- and low-temperature stress tolerance in tobacco by gene transfer Plant Cell and Physiology 2004, 45(3):346-350.[TEACHING-PAM]

87.           Netondo GW, Onyango JC, Beck E: Sorghum and salinity: II. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence of sorghum under salt stress. Crop Science 2004, 44:806-811.[PAM-100]

88.           Pastenes C, Horton P: Resistance of photosynthesis to high temperature in two bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Photosynthesis Research 2004, 62(2):197-203.[PAM-100]

89.           Sinsawat V, Leipner J, Stamp P, Fracheboud Y: Effect of heat stress on the photosynthetic apparatus in maize (Zea mays L.) grown at control or high temperature. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2004, 52:123–129.[PAM-2000]

90.           Verdoy D, Lucas MM, Manrique E, Covarrubias AA, de Felipe MR, Pueyo JJ: Differential organ-specific response to salt stress and water deficit in nodulated bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). Plant Cell and Environment 2004, 27(6):757-767.[PAM-2000]

91.           Zlatev ZS, Yordanov IT: Effects of soil drought on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in bean plants. Bulg J Plant Physiol 2004, 30(3-4):3-18.[MINI-PAM]

92.           陈丹, 张放: 水分胁迫条件下CO2加富对枇杷叶绿素荧光及抗氧化酶的影响. 浙江农业学报 2004, 16(2):63-67.[PAM-2000]

93.           林植芳, 彭长连, 徐信兰, 林桂珠, 张景六: 两个新的水稻缺叶绿素b突变体光合作用的热稳定性. 中国科学 2004, 34(5):395-401.[PAM-100]

94.           Chen Q-J, Zhang F-M, Wang Y-J, Kurata K: The physiologic reaction of cucumber to low temperature and low light intensigy. Agricultural Sciences in China 2003, 2(2):200-205.[MINI-PAM]

95.           Chen Y-Z, Murchie EH, Hubbart S, Horton P, Peng S: Effects of season-dependent irradiance levels and nitrogen-deficiency on photosynthesis and photoinhibition in field-grown rice (Oryza sativa). Physiologia Plantarum 2003, 117:343-351.[PAM-2000]

96.           Gesch RW, Kang I-H, Gallo-Meagher M, Vu JCV, Boote KJ, Allen LH, R J, Bowes G: Rubisco expression in rice leaves is related to genotypic variation of photosynthesis under elevated growth CO2 and temperature. Plant Cell and Environment 2003, 26(12):1941-1950.[PAM-2000]

97.           Kuk YI, Shin JS, Burgos NR, Hwang TE, Han O, Cho BH, Jung S, Guh JO: Antioxidative enzymes offer protection from chilling damage in rice plants. Crop Science 2003, 43:2109-2117.[PAM-2000]

98.           Vassilev A, Lidon F, Ramalho JC, Matos MdC, Graca Md: Effects of excess Cu on growth and photosynthesis of barley plants. Implication with a screening test for Cu tolerance. Journal of Central European Agriculture 2003, 4(3):225-236.[PAM-2000]

99.           Zhao M, Ding Z-S, Ishhill R, Chen L, Zhang X: The changes and components of non-photochemical quenching under drought and shade conditions in maize. Acta Agronomica Sinica 2003, 29(1):59-62.[PAM-100]

100.         陈屏昭, 陈顺方, 刘忠荣, 周云, 樊钦平: 缺磷胁迫对温州蜜柑叶片光合作用的影响. 云南农业大学学报 2003, 18(2):158-162.[PAM-2000]

101.         陈屏昭, 陈顺方, 刘忠荣, 周云, 樊钦平: 缺磷胁迫对温州蜜柑光合作用的光抑制研究(一). 云南农业大学学报 2003, 18(3):281-285.[PAM-2000]

102.         陈青君, 张福墁, 王永健, 藏田宪次: 黄瓜对低温弱光反应的生理特征研究. 中国农业科学 2003, 36(1):77-81.[MINI-PAM]

103.         陈青君, 张福墁, 王永健, 张海英, 张峰, 张丽蓉: 临界低温弱光对黄瓜光合特性及其酶变化的影响. 华北农学报 2003, 18(4):31-34.[MINI-PAM]

104.         郭延平, 陈屏昭, 张良诚, 张上隆: 缺磷胁迫加重柑橘叶片光合作用的光抑制及叶黄素循环的作用. 植物营养与肥料学报 2003, 9(3):359-363.[PAM-2000]

105.         郭延平, 苏吉虎, 王宏炜, 沈允钢, 张良诚: 亚硫酸氢钠处理减轻低温对温州蜜柑光合作用的影响. 园艺学报 2003, 30(2):195-197.[PAM-2000]

106.         郭延平, 周慧芬, 曾光辉, 张良诚: 高温胁迫对柑橘光合速率和光系统Ⅱ活性的影响. 应用生态学报 2003, 14(6):867~870.[PAM-2000]

107.         康国章, 欧志英, 王正询, 孙谷畴: 水杨酸诱导提高香蕉幼苗耐寒性的机制研究. 园艺学报 2003, 30(2):141-146.[PAM-100]

108.         潘晓华, 刘水英, 李锋, 李木英: 低磷胁迫对不同水稻品种幼苗光合作用的影响. 作物学报 2003, 29(5):770-774.[PAM-100]

109.         姚正菊, 叶济宇, 米华玲: 高温胁迫对烟草叶绿体NADPH脱氢酶复合体活性的促进. 植物生理与分子生物学学报 2003, 29(5):395-400.[PAM-100]

110.         叶燕萍, 李杨瑞, 黄诚梅, 李永健, 邢永秀: 下种方式和水分胁迫对甘蔗叶片光合特性的影响. 甘蔗 2003, 10(3):1-4.[PAM-2000]

111.         张放, 陈丹, 张士良, 吴荣兰: 高浓度CO2对不同水分条件下枇杷生理的影响. 园艺学报 2003, 30(6):647-652.[PAM-2000]

112.         Cousins AB, Adam NR, Wall GW, Kimball BA, Jr PJP, Ottman MJ, Leavitt SW, Webber AN: Photosystem II energy use,non-photochemical quenching and the xanthophyll cycle in Sorghumbicolor grown under drought and free-air CO2 enrichment(FACE) conditions. Plant Cell and Environment 2002, 25:1551-1559.[PAM-2000]

113.         Crafts-Brandner SJ, Salvucci ME: Sensitivity of Photosynthesis in a C4 Plant, Maize, to Heat Stress. Plant Physiology 2002, 129:1773-1780.[PAM-2000]

114.         Fracheboud Y, Ribaut J-M, Vargas M, Messmer R, Stamp P: Identification of quantitative trait loci for cold-tolerance of photosynthesis in maize (Zea mays L.) Journal of Experimental Botany 2002, 53(376):1967-1977.[PAM-2000]

115.         Jeong SW, Choi SM, Lee DS, Ahn SN, Hur Y, Chow WS, Park Y-I: Differential susceptibility of photosynthesis to light-chilling stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.) depends on the capacity for photochemical dissipation of light. Molecules and Cells 2002, 13(3):419-428.[XE-PAM, PAM-100]

116.         Jin M-X, Li D-Y, Mi H: Effects of high temperature on chlorophyll fluorescence induction and the kinetics of far red radiation-induced relaxation of apparent Fo in maize leaves. Photosynthetica 2002, 40(4):581-586.[PAM-100]

117.         Jin M-X, Mi H: Thermal sensitivity of the pool size of electrons available to P700+ reduction in intact maize leaves. Photosynthetica 2002, 40(3):437-439.[PAM-100]

118.         Kwon SY, Jeong YJ, Lee HS, Kim JS, Cho KY, Allen RD, Kwak SS: Enhanced tolerances of transgenic tobacco plants expressing both superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase in chloroplasts against methyl viologen-mediated oxidative stress. Plant Cell and Environment 2002, 25(7):873-882.[PAM-2000]

119.         Lee EA, Staebler MA, Tollenaar M: Genetic variation in physiological discriminators for cold tolerance—early autotrophic phase of maize development. Crop Science 2002, 42:1919-1929.[MINI-PAM]

120.         Pietrini F, Iannelli MA, Massacci A: Anthocyanin accumulation in the illuminated surface of maize leaves enhances protection from photo-inhibitory risks at low temperature, without further limitation to photosynthesis. Plant Cell and Environment 2002, 25(10):1251-1259.[PAM-100, HCM-1000]

121.         Ying J, Lee EA, Tollenaar M: Response of leaf photosynthesis during the grain-filling period of maize to duration of cold exposure, acclimation, and incident PPFD. Crop Science 2002, 42:1164-1172.[MINI-PAM]

122.         陈屏昭, 樊钦平, 罗家刚, 刘忠荣, 王磊, 陈顺方: 缺磷胁迫对脐橙光合色素和光合作用的影响. 广东微量元素科学 2002, 9(12):30-34.[PAM-2000]

123.         Lu C, Zhang J, Zhang Q, Li L, Kuang T: Modification of photosystem II photochemistry in nitrogen deficient maize and wheat plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 2001, 158:1423-1430.[PAM-2000]

124.         Youssefian S, Nakamura M, Orudgev E, Kondo N: Increased cysteine biosynthesis capacity of transgenic tobacco overexpressing an O-acetylserine(thiol) lyase modifies plant responses to oxidative stress. Plant Physiology 2001, 126:1001-1011.[PAM-2000]

125.         Zhu X-G, Wang Q, Zhang Q-D, Lu C-M, Kuang T-Y: Effects of photoinhibition and its recovery on photosynthetic functions of winter wheat under salt stress. Acta Botanica Sinica 2001, 43(12):1250-1254.[PAM-2000A]

126.         陈启林, 山仑, 程智慧: 低温下光照对黄瓜叶片光合特性的影响. 中国农业科学 2001, 34(6):632-636.[PAM-2000]

127.         郭书奎, 赵可夫: NaCl胁迫抑制玉米幼苗光合作用的可能机理. 植物生理学报 2001, 27(6):461-466.[PAM-2000]

128.         赵博生, 衣艳君, 刘家尧: 外源甜菜碱对干旱/ 盐胁迫下的小麦幼苗生长和光合功能的改善. 植物学通报 2001, 18(3):378-380.[PAM-100]

129.         Barbato R, Bergo E, Szabò I, Vecchia FD, Giacometti GM: Ultraviolet B exposure of whole leaves of barley affects structure and functional organization of photosystem II. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 2000, 275(15):10976-10982.[PAM-100]

130.         Lu C, Zhang J: Photosystem II photochemistry and its sensitivity to heat stress in maize plants as affected by nitrogen deficiency. Journal of Plant Physiology 2000, 157:124-130.[PAM-2000]

131.         Lu C, Zhang J: Heat induced multiple effects on PSII in wheat plants. Journal of Plant Physiology 2000, 156:259-265.[PAM-2000]

132.         Lu C, Zhang J: Photosynthetic CO2 assimilation, chlorophyll fluorescence and photoinhibition as affected by nitrogen deficiency in maize plants. Plant Science 2000, 151:135-143.[PAM-2000]

133.         McKersie BD, Murnaghan J, Jones KS, Bowley SR: Iron-superoxide dismutase expression in transgenic alfalfa increases winter survival without a detectable increase in photosynthetic oxidative stress tolerance. Plant Physiology 2000, 122:1427-1438.[MINI-PAM]

134.         Ribas-Carbo M, Aroca R, Gonzàlez-Meler MA, Irigoyen JJ, Sánchez-Díaz M: The electron partitioning between the cytochrome and alternative respiratory pathways during chilling recovery in two c*rs of maize differing in chilling sensitivity. Plant Physiology 2000, 122:199-204.[MINI-PAM]

135.         Skotnica J, Matoušková M, Nauš J, Lazár D, Dvořák L: Thermoluminescence and fluorescence study of changes in Photosystem II photochemistry in desiccating barley leaves. Photosynthesis Research 2000, 65:29-40.[PAM-2000]

136.         Venema JH, Eekhof M, van Hasselt PR: Analysis of low-temperature tolerance of a tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cybrid with chloroplasts from a more chilling-tolerant L. hirsutum accession. Annals of Botany 2000, 85:799-807.[PAM-100, PAM-2000]

137.         Wang Q, Zhang Q-D, Jiang G-M, Lu C-M, Kuang T-Y, Wu S, Li C-Q, Jiao D-M: Photosynthetic characteristics of two superhigh-yield hybrid rice. Acta Botanica Sinica 2000, 42(12):1285-1288.[PAM-2000]

138.         Wang S-W, Xu C-C, Bai K-Z, Zhang Q-D, Li L-B, Kuang T-Y, Li J-Y, Li Z-S: Comparative study on photoinhibition between two wheat genotypes. Acta Botanica Sinica 2000, 42(12):1300-1303.[PAM-2000]

139.         Xu C-C, Li L, Kuang T: The inhibited xanthophyll cycle is responsible for the increase in sensitivity to low temperature photoinhibition in rice leaves fed with glutathione. Photosynthesis Research 2000, 65:107-114.[PAM-2000]

140.         Yamane Y, Shikanai T, Kashino Y, Koike H, Satoh K: Reduction of QA in the dark: Another cause of fluorescence Fo increases by high temperatures in higher plants. Photosynthesis Research 2000, 63:23-34.[PAM-100]

141.         Yoshimura K, Yabuta Y, Ishikawa T, Shigeoka S: Expression of spinach ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes in response to oxidative stresses. Plant Physiology 2000, 123:223-234.[MINI-PAM]

142.         郭培国, 李荣华: 夜间高温胁迫对水稻叶片光合机构的影响. 植物学报 2000, 42(7):673-678.[PAM-100]

143.         李平, 李晓萍, 陈贻竹, 刘鸿先: 低温光抑制胁迫对不同抗冷性的籼稻抽穗期剑叶叶绿素荧光的影响. 中国水稻科学 2000, 14(2):88-92.[PAM-100]

144.         彭长连, 林植芳, 林桂珠: 高温对生长在加富CO2条件下水稻离体叶片叶绿素荧光的影响. 热带亚热带植物学报 2000, 8(2):91-96.[PAM-100]

145.         Fracheboud Y, Haldimann P, Leipner J, Stamp P: Chlorophyll fluorescence as a selection tool for cold tolerance of photosynthesis in maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Experimental Botany 1999, 50:1533-1540.[PAM-2000]

146.         Iannelli M, van Breusegem F, van Montagu M, Inze D, Massacci A: Tolerance to low temperature and paraquat-mediated oxidative stress in two maize genotypes. Journal of Experimental Botany 1999, 50:523-532.[PAM-100]

147.         Król M, Ivanov AG, Jansson S, Kloppstech K, Huner NPA: Greening under high light or cold temperature affects the level of xanthophyll-cycle pigments, early light-inducible proteins, and light-harvesting polypeptides in wild-type barley and the Chlorina f2 mutant. Plant Physiology 1999, 120:193-203.[PAM-100]

148.         Loggini B, Scartazza A, Brugnoli E, Navari-Izzo F: Antioxidative defense system, pigment composition, and photosynthetic efficiency in two wheat c*rs subjected to drought. Plant Physiology 1999, 119:1091-1100.[PAM-100]

149.         Lu C, Zhang J: Effects of water stress on photosystem II photochemistry and its thermostability in wheat plants. Journal of Experimental Botany 1999, 50(336):1199-1206.[PAM-2000]

150.         Pastenes C, Horton P: Resistance of photosynthesis to high temperature in two bean varieties (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Photosynthesis Research 1999, 62:197-203.[PAM-100]

151.         Wingler A, Quick WP, Bungard RA, Bailey KJ, Lea PJ, Leegood RC: The role of photorespiration during drought stress: an analysis utilizing barley mutants with reduced activities of photorespiratory enzymes. Plant Cell and Environment 1999, 22(4):361-373.[PAM-100]

152.         朱新广, 张其德, 匡廷云: NaCl胁迫对PSII光能利用和耗散的影响. 生物物理学报 1999, 15(4):787-790.[PAM-2000]

153.         Čajánek M, Štroch M, Lachetová I, Kalina J, Špunda V: Characterization of the photosystem II inactivation of heat-stressed barley leaves as monitored by the various parameters of chlorophyll a fluoescence and delayed fluorescence. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 1998, 47:39-45.[PAM-100]

154.         Fryer MJ, Andrews JR, Oxborough K, Blowers DA, Baker NR: Relationship between CO2 assimilation, photosynthetic electron transport, and active O2 metabolism in leaves of maize in the field during periods of low temperature. Plant Physiology 1998, 116:571-580.[PAM-2000]

155.         Lu C, Zhang J: Thermostability of photosystem II is increased in salt-stressed sorghum. Australia Journal of Plant Physiology 1998, 25:317-324.[PAM-2000]

156.         Lu C, Zhang J: Effects of water stress on photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and photoinhibition in wheat plants. Australia Journal of Plant Physiology 1998, 25:883-892.[PAM-2000]

157.         Nogués S, Allen DJ, Morison JIL, Baker NR: Ultraviolet-B radiation effects on water relations, leaf development, and photosynthesis in droughted pea plants. Plant Physiology 1998, 117:173-181.[PAM-2000]

158.         Sazanov LA, Burrows PA, Nixon PJ: The chloroplast Ndh complex mediates the dark reduction of the plastoquinone pool in response to heat stress in tobacco leaves. FEBS Letters 1998, 429:115-118.[PAM-100]

159.         Shikanai T, Takeda T, Yamauchi H, Sano S, Tomizawa K-I, Yokota A, Shigeoka S: Inhibition of ascorbate peroxidase under oxidative stress in tobacco having bacterial catalase in chloroplasts. FEBS Letters 1998, 428:47-51.[PAM-2000]

160.         刘家尧, 衣艳君, 张其德: 盐胁迫对不同抗盐性小麦叶片荧光诱导动力学的影响. 植物学通报 1998, 15(2):46-49.[PAM-100]

161.         Mauro S, Dainese P, Lannoye R, Bassi R: Cold-resistant and cold-sensitive maize lines differ in the phosphorylation of the photosystem I I subunit, CP29. Plant Physiology 1997, 115:171-180.[PAM-100]

162.         王可玢, 许春辉, 赵福洪, 唐崇钦, 戴云玲: 水分胁迫对小麦旗叶某些体内叶绿素a 荧光参数的影响. 生物物理学报 1997, 13(2):273-278.[PAM-100]

163.         曾纪晴, 刘鸿先: 黄瓜幼苗子叶在低温下的光抑制及其恢复. 植物生理学报 1997, 23(1):15-20.[PAM-100]

164.         Pastenes C, Horton P: Effect of high temperature on photosynthesis in beans. I. Oxygen evolution and chlorophyll fluorescence. Plant Physiology 1996, 112:1245-1251.[PAM-100]

165.         Pastenesz C, Horton P: Effect of high temperature on photosynthesis in beans. I. Oxygen evolution and chlorophyll fluorescence. Plant Physiology 1996, 112:1245-1251.[PAM-100]

166.         王可玢, 赵福洪, 王孝宣, 李树德: 用体内叶绿素a 荧光诱导动力学鉴定番茄的抗冷性. 植物学通报 1996, 13(2):29-33.[PAM-100]

167.         Bergantino E, Dainese P, Cerovic Z, Sechi S, Bassi R: A post-translational modification of the photosystem II subunit CP29 protects maize from cold stress. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 1995, 270(15):8474-8481.[PAM-2000]

168.         李平, 陈贻竹, 李晓萍, 刘鸿先: 籼稻的抗冷性与亲本的关系. 植物学报 1995, 37:544-551.[PAM-100]

169.         李平, 李晓萍, 陈贻竹: 光温对不同抗冷力的籼稻抽穗期剑叶叶绿素荧光的影响. 中国水稻科学 1995, 9:97-102.[PAM-100]

170.         李平, 李晓萍, 陈贻竹: 光温对不同抗冷力的籼稻抽穗期剑叶叶绿素荧光的影响. 中国水稻科学 1995, 9(2):97-102.[PAM-100]

171.         林世青, 许春辉, 张其德, 徐黎, 毛大璋, 匡廷云: 叶绿素荧光动力学在植物抗性生理学、生态学和农业现代化中的应用. 植物学通报 1992, 9(1):1-16